Course instructor training
Sivun sisällysluettelo
Course instructor training for Occupational Safety Card courses is organised by the Centre for Occupational Safety. Two-day (16h) course instructor training courses are held once a month, with the exception in July and August.
The Centre for Occupational Safety defines the content of the training and approves course instructors. Eligibility to attend course instructor training requires that the participant meets the criteria required of a course instructor.
The course is held in Finnish and the course director must manage the courses in Finnish.
Course instructor training is valid for five years.
Criteria of occupational safety card course instructor training
Before applying for Occupational Safety Card (Työturvallisuuskortti®)course instructor training, you need to meet the following criteria.
Course organiser
Occupational Safety Card courses can only be provided by a course instructor affiliated with the course organiser. The course organiser must have a valid agreement with the Centre for Occupational Safety on the right to organise Occupational Safety Card training.
Occupational safety training
The minimum requirement is a five-day basic course in occupational safety and health or training that meets the equivalent requirements in terms of content and duration.
The basic course in occupational safety and health typically covers the following themes:
- Basis of occupational health and safety, responsibilities and cooperation
- Identification and assessment of work hazards
- Safe working environment
- Management of workload
- Development of occupational health and safety
If you have completed other training of a similar scope and content, you need to submit an electronic copy of the official transcript of records from the educational institution that provided the training. The transcript should include the content, competence/learning objectives, scope and date of completing the training. The training may not have been completed more than 10 years ago.
Work experience from a common workplace
Work experience of at least five years from a common workplace.
A common workplace is a workplace in which a single employer exercises principal control over the work and in which several employers or independent contractors work simultaneously or successively in such a way that the work undertaken by each worker may affect the safety or health of others.
Active occupational safety and health work
The requirement of participation in active occupational health and safety work is met when the person has worked in any of the following tasks for at least two years
- occupational health and safety representative or occupational health and safety manager at the workplace
- occupational health and safety development tasks
Instructor experience
Practical experience as an instructor is considered sufficient when the person’s work history or volunteer activities include a significant amount of teaching, guidance, training or orientation duties.
Acceptance of the criteria
Applicants for course instructor training must fill in the questions about the criteria in the application form when signing up for the course. Experts of the Centre for Occupational Safety responsible for course instructor training review the applications and confirm that the criteria are met.
Signing up for course instructor training
Signing up for course instructor training is done in the course calendar on the Centre for Occupational Safety website. When signing up, you will receive instructions on how to meet the application criteria.